When we ‘elect’ a person to a position of authority, what are we really doing? We are electing someone presented to us by those who have the means to promote individuals as well as the power to suppress authentic candidates. We are not electing people from an open or level playing field but rather we are electing people already elected by people with means. And as we know full well, China pumped a great deal of money into ACT BLUE this last election. This is the inherent weakness of our ‘representative’ democracy and unless we acknowledge and counter the threat, our enemies will destroy us.
Based on the actions of our TOXIC GOVERNMENT administered by elected officials, many in government seem to be enemy operators of either foreign governments or psychopathic oligarches. All of these claims are stronger than just conjecture but rather they are either statements of fact or claims with the very highest probability. Almost nothing our government does benefits citizens and nearly everything it does appears to be an attack on the country as a whole.
One thing is for sure. Nothing the government does has popular support. The current pervasive public approval of Congress is and has been around 20% for decades. It is almost a certainty that our country will not endure as a bastion of freedom unless the public can admit the inherent weaknesses of an open democracy and eliminate those weaknesses very quickly.
To this end, we must brainstorm a solution that makes it impossible for con artists with enemy funding to maintain control of our country. I contend that this solution is to take our 18th-century ‘Democratic Republic’ into the 21st-century by making every citizen a voting member in their community’s online legislature while guaranteeing the rights of individual communities. If every citizen is a legislator, then there is no need to delegate power to some smooth talker of unknown allegiance. And if every community is allowed to govern free from the dictates of others or an absolute majority, it protects everyone from the acclaimed fallacy of a true democracy, the claim that two wolves can vote to eat the one sheep.
The time to act is short. The deep state will not allow Trump to get anything constructive done just as they stopped him in 2016 when he had a far greater Congressional majority. Trump is just one man. He cannot ‘save’ us from a system that is inherently and inescapably vulnerable to any enemy or predator with wealth. This is why it is on us to save ourselves. We must fight to end our Confidence-artist-based toxic government by replacing it with a true citizen government. We can do this by admitting to ourselves the weaknesses of electing people promoted by anyone with wealth and by calling for a national conversation on the merits of #GOVTbySMARTPHONE (#GbS). We can also move this effort forward by petitioning our local city councils to implement, on trial bases, local applications of #GbS.
This is the greatest opportunity to advance the art of governance since civilization began. Whoever is successful in selling this concept of full-scale citizen governance to the world and liberates humanity from the tyranny of predatory rule will go down as the greatest statesperson in history. So I encourage all to do their best to claim that title.
This is America’s and the West’s ‘French-occupation’ moment. The Nazis are in control, down to your local school board. Freedom-loving individuals are the underground. It is now or never. Fortunately, what is required of us is so easy and so trivial. All we need to do to save humanity is to make videos calling for a national conversation on the merits of a government based on citizen legislatures and at most, petition our city councils. So take heart that what is required of you is so trivial and have fun in your attempt to be the person most instrumental in delivering humanity from the predatory rule we have suffered since civilization began.
*******I will always be grateful Whatfinger.com is the kind of site that publishes community articles.*******
Wow. I had to get "reauthorized," to send a comment. Why don't you try to deal with the
Espanola Councils?